Hello my fellow shoppers

4 years 0 Keziah_16134720671295 4

Hi my name is kk, I'm pretty new at this, but it seems like a really fun way to earn and learn

4 years +1 Ivan 951

Hello and welcome to the Forum and to iSecretShop! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

4 years 0 Deirdre_16137966957702 1

Thank you!

4 years 0 LINDA_14996614317791 184

Hello KK,

Yes, it can be fun and it is great to learn the standards of different industries.

4 years 0 Keziah_16134720671295 4

So how does all of this work, and how do I get started?

4 years 0 LINDA_14996614317791 184

Hello Keziah,

Well, you have done the first step as you have registered and been accepted on this platform. Check on available shops and apply for ones that you would like to complete. Read and re-read instructions and the questionnaire and you will be good!

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