Primarily doing phone/web shops.

Lillie _16465830224146
3 years +1 Lillie _16465830224146 1


So I'm pretty new to this. Due to life circumstances I am not able to do local shops and was hoping to be completely web/phone based.

Is that practical here? What can I do to increase my options (aside from getting higher level obviously).

Also, is there a way to get past the beginning of level two without having any shops approved? I did the opinion polls and free certifications.

Thank you

2 years +1 Haylie 1

Hi, I?m just starting out as well and I watched all the available videos on the mobile app but I am unable to find where the free certifications are located. Are they available on the app or are they exclusively located on the website? If you could direct me to where I am supposed to go so I can access and complete the free certifications I would be eternally grateful. I?m sorry I don?t have the answers you were looking for but I saw that you said you have completed the free certifications and thought I would try my luck and ask!

Chelsy _16201292657476
2 years +1 Chelsy _16201292657476 1

im pretty sure it is possible to specifically do only online and phone shops! you have to accept which shops you want to do so you can decide to only request for the ones you wish to complete and then they will assign those shops to you to complete. but if you have the mobile app, then you can go on there and they have a section for online and phone only shops i believe!

to Haylie, yes, it's only online on the website if i'm remembering correct. you have to click on the tab that reads like announcements or something like that and then it opens a new browser and at the top it'll have a section reading ISS prep certifications i think and then it'll show you 2 certifications for free and you can complete them as many times needed until you pass i believe i passed on the first time on the 30 question one but the 16 question one i missed the 3rd question and was able to see which question i missed when it was orange and said i failed and listed the #3 question. then when i clicked off that part that was colored saying failed thats the only chance you get to see which question was missed so pay attention if u do happen to fail one on the first try and dont panic because they're super easy and self-explanatory. good luck to you both tho and i hope that was able to at least help in some way! so sorry if not but it says this is how you get better ranked too is by replying to people so what the hell here's a try! lol

2 years 0 Linda_16467705274399 1

I am afraid to do the calls, as most of them were requesting medical inquiries and I dont have enough knowledge to feel confident to make the call.

Also I was accepted in a few shops that I wished I could undo as, I don't live in those areas.

2 years +1 Khamisha 4

Hello. So, it's definitely possible but I wouldn't say this would be adequate for full time work. I only do phone/web shops but I do them through several different websites and make quite a bit of extra income :) I'm an introvert so in person shops make me uncomfortable.

Cecilia "cece"
2 years 0 Cecilia "cece" 7

Hello...I am wanting to start to do phone and web shops also...what equipment do I need? [like headphones or headsets] any training that I need to start? What is ur experience with it? How many do you do? Do I have to stick to my location? Or if Im in FL, can I do a Texas phone assignment?

Any tips would be appreciated. TY and Happy shopping! :)

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