Hi! Newbie and ready to learn from the pros :)

2 years +1 Chywana 1

Hi all! I am excited to be working in the Secret Shopping industry again. Many, many years ago I was a secret shopper for movie theatres in Florida. I absolutely enjoyed it! The pay was great, and I saw all of the latest movies and got paid to do so. I am thankful to have stumbled upon this great and legit service. I am open to all suggestions to help my skills grow in this industry. Thanks in advance :) Chywana

2 years +1 Marysol_16580042976598 13

Welcome Chywana,

I'm fairly new, however, if there is anything I can help you with, if I don't know the answer maybe we can find them together.


2 years +2 Terrence_16594996478926 1

Hey guys I?m in the same boat, I could use some tips to get off to a great start! I use to mystery shop for a different company and loved it as well, feel free to let me in on the secrets!

2 years 0 Cheri_16626983467542 14

Hi everyone,

I am also new to this and wish I had useful tips and tricks to share with all of you. So far I am still very confused. If you have learned anything throughout your process please feel free to share

2 years 0 Carey_16662772673720 8

Hello! I?m also a newbie and can?t for the life of me seem to figure out where I see my points?

Do any of you know of other companies that need secret shoppers as well?


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