Need help scanning faster

2 years +1 Carrie_78666 4

Any tips on completing price audits in the app quicker? I am currently filling out everything or item at a time on site with photos. Usually entering price, take photo then scan and save item. Can you take photos of barcode and item then do the uploads once you?ve left? Part of my problem is the items are in no order and jumping around is killing me. Any help?

2 years 0 Jill_16737209679941 2

Here for the same thing! I'm new, but it's taking me way longer than the estimated times on the job postings...

1 year 0 SS007 20

I feel your pain! Honestly, I feel like they?ve way over-estimated the average number of items that someone can scan. I?m sure there?s people who have been doing this for so long they can go and they?re like robots and possibly hit those scan rates but if you think about it, you?ve got to be doing more than one per minute and honestly I just don?t see how that?s possible. I don?t think you?d save any time by taking pictures and uploading them later because basically you?re kind of repeating steps, better to just get it all done while you?re standing there and then you can move onto the next item. I took one of the scanning gigs, and I really had issues, because for a fact, most of the items were not carried in the store, and it turned into an issue. I wound up un-assigning myself because I didn?t wanna waste any more time. Never again on those. Lesson learned!

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