What is the highest possible reputation rank that can be achieved?
I've been wondering the same thing! You have so many badges!! How long have you been doing this?
I started in June 2021.
Nice work!!
Working towards level 7. Don't know if there is a fixed top level or if the system is dynamic.
Any suggestions on how I can move level?s more quickly? I?ve been stuck at level 2 and can?t seem to do anything to change my level. I get denied for shops Al other time, but I can?t level up unless I can get different shops. Any advice for me?
I just started and would also like advice how to move up levels and get more badges.
For individual categories like fast food or restaurant, do more successful shops in those categories. Find ways to improve your grammar to get a grammarian award, I guess. Easiest way to level up is shop in different business categories.
I just got to level 3 and it's kind of frustrating because all throughout levels 1 and 2 it was pretty quick moving up through them; every time I did a shop I moved up 10-20%. Now at level 3 each shop only seems to move me up 1-2% so it seems I'll have to do about 100 shops to move up a level, ten times more than the previous levels. My self-assign limit didn't rise, either. :')
I think reputation rank is graded on multiple factors
I think reputation rank is graded on multiple factors
You have a lot of badge,
You have a lot of badge,