
1 year +1 Jennifer_17089398763673 1

Hello, I am completely new to everything! Im really excited about my new journey. I would appreciate any advice or struggles you have had along your journey. Thank you!

1 year 0 Emily_16738066317474 5

Welcome! Be sure to thoroughly read guidelines and communicate with scheduler if you have any questions. I use an excel spreadsheet to track all my expenses and fees.

1 year 0 Meggie 2

I have been messaging my scheduler through ISS and via email and never hear back. So I texted them and they replied to communicate through ISS or email. I just have questions about when I will be paid and if one of the shops I did is completed.

1 year 0 Tammy_17059832772421 4

Emily, Could you share a copy of the Excel spreadsheet without information, of course.

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