
2 months +2 Heather_16975330756742 1

Signed up in Dec 2023, I’ve been technically a “ss” for a handful of months. . .

I have looked at several different iss gigs and for some reason I have struggle to accept that first one. . . I also Instacart; so I don’t understand what the issue is with me and that 1st secret shop.

point being…

anyone else having this problem or just me

2 months +2 AZCross 61

It gets easier as you do them. Go with stuff you're comfortable doing first then branch out and try something new.

The hardest part of a new journey is always the first step.

2 months 0 Kara_16989524263361 26

I agree with that sentiment, you just have to jump in. I've been nervous about a lot of shops, but as long as you're prepared/have read all instructions I've found it usually goes well. Sometimes something unexpected happens, but you can't know that in advance and just need to think on your feet.

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