Payment Questions

12 days 0 Brittany_17139057419499 2

Hi There!

When it shows say $25 is what is paid, is that just to cover the amount of the meal? or is there any profit that you actually make

12 days 0 Kara_16989524263361 21

If there isn't a reimbursement amount listed, that should should just be a flat payment. In my experience, there isn't a lot of profit to be made from those types of shops, you are more so just getting the experience or meal free of charge.

11 days 0 AZCross 49

Most of the shops you do where you need to purchase something will be more for the experience than the pay. I saw one last night that was for some designer clothing subscription for two months. As an average guy, I thought I might try it out and go Freddy Mercury for a couple months but the payout was confusing so I emailed the scheduler to inquire. Turns out it's only a reimbursement for the subscription and they only carry women's clothing... I'm not ready to get into that lifestyle so I declined. I had another one that was an oil change and was reimbursed for the oil part but the pay was only $15 which was ok because I needed it anyway, and finally a car wash that reimbursed the cost of the wash and paid out something like $3.00.

8 days 0 Connie_16649996695723 6

Generally speaking, most shops for meals cover reimbursement only, or sometimes a small fee such as $5-$10. It really depends on the MSC and the type of shop. If you are unsure, you can always contact the MSC. there is usually an easy- to find e-mail address.

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