Mystery Shopper Certifications, Official MS ID#, Etc.

1 year +3 bvirtually 1

Hello, Fellow Shopper-Friends:

Still being somewhat of a 'newbie mystery shopper,' a week or so ago I took and received 100% on the 'Introduction to Mystery Shopping' class offered here (through 'iSecretShop'), on my second try at taking the class test. At the official MYSTERY SHOPPERS OF THE AMERICAS website, I signed in to become a Free Member. I am in the process as we speak of typing in my MS info regarding what 'certifications' and official 'ID #' I have, and noticed I had already completed two of the 'certification courses' (here) and received my MS ID# here. However, I never received any 'certifications' or 'official' anything here via iSECRETSHOP, though I 'successfully' finished the two. Can anybody here clarify all this, even a little? Thank You. ~ Sara

1 year +1 Sariahhh 57

Id love to know as well

1 year 0 Cheneada 2

Hello! I am new to the forum as well and am a bit confused on what to do to become a auditor. I thought if I paid the 10 dollars for the course then that would safice but apparently not.

9 months +4 Billie_16883547807566 10

The courses for ISS are solely for ISS, they are for the company's purposes only, just like the courses and certifications through other secret shopping service companies. Mystery Shoppers of the Americas is similar to a governing agency, though not as strict, like nursing boards or the bar, again not as strict or official since you can mystery shop whether or not you are a member. The main difference is that one is recognized by clients and the other is more of an internal thing.

8 months +3 Jorge_17057282936562 16

Are you allowed to work on the other while using this site?

That would be awesome!

4 months 0 dndlfraser 1

How do I take the courses

Reading this thread: