Points system

8 months 0 Rachel_17158225771730 1

Howdy! Newer user... I took the iSS Certifications but glanced, and passed, and now I can't go through to read them again. :(

I was recently assigned a shop and it got canceled. I reached out to the MSP and they reassigned me. I never received an explanation so I'm assuming it was an error. I did however, lose some points and my percentage went down... does anyone know if there is a way to have these points reinstated since it was not my doing?

Thanks so much for the help!


8 months +1 Megan_17106025473308 11

I had something similar happen to me. I emailed the person that assigned me, or just the main email, and they were able to fix it for me.

8 months +1 Michelle_17188027859447 3

The system awards 20 points for successfully completed shops.

The system deducts 30 points for removed/cancelled/shops completed incorrectly or rejected.

The points are added/removed automatically as soon as the MSP clicks the button. The scheduler can request the points be adjusted if it?s an issue with a client cancelled project or something of the like.

The system works to hold shoppers accountable for their work.

8 months 0 Margaret_17107127323034 4

Is there any way to get your points reduced? I have gone to do different shops and my cell won't connect to the app. I tried to complete them after I returned home and then I get the response that I am too far away? I am now in negative points and it is so difficult. Any ideas? Thank you!

8 months +1 Elizebeth_17183309527713 1

How do you view your points, please? And do you know the purpose or use of these points? Thank you for your help, it's appreciated!

3 months 0 AdamW 30

Points are just used for increasing your rank which will then allow you to pick up more shops. You can have one more shop than your rank. So if you are rank 2 then you can automatically have up to 3 shops. Don't stress about your points, just keep soing shops and you will slowly advance

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