
1 month 0 Amanda_17180537159732 3

Hello, beautiful shoppers!!

My name is Amanda, but honestly being a mom of 7, I tend to answer to anything I may be called and I am currently living in Indiana.

So I am sort of a newer shopper here, I signed up around the beginning of June and I am just really starting to dive in and explore lots of shops and learn the do's and don'ts and how to do many different types of shops. I started off super skeptical and I have done a handful of shops with mainly good responses back on my submitted work and a like one that was not so great for missing a simple task while preforming the shop, even with it not being in guidelines either... oops... but hey you live and learn and move on in my opinion.


I would love to learn some new tips and tricks from my fellow shoppers if you have any!

Hope you have a FABULOUS week!

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