Please Help?

4 months +1 Evelyn_17049995593118 3

Hello everyone,

I'm new here also and new to how this app works. Any help would be so appreciated.

When I open the app I head straight to "Web and Phone" bc I'm disabled and can't do physical shopping.

When Web &Phone opens I see there's a lonnng list of "College & University" jobs available and they all look alike. Do I complete just one on the list or as many as possible even though they all appear the same, with the same procedures?

Also, is there a way to get a variety of opportunities at one time within "Web & Phone" rather one category at a time?

Please help, I really would like to be successful at this.

4 months +2 Megan_17106025473308 11

All available web and phone shops will be there when you click on that part of the app. It just happened that those were the only ones available. Keep checking it often to see new shops.

You?d apply for whichever one you want to complete. Most of the time you can only do one for each company in a certain amount of time. Even though they look the same, the education ones are for different majors/programs.

Hope that helps!

4 months +2 Evelyn_17049995593118 3

Thank you. Your response was very helpful.

4 months +1 Megan_17106025473308 11

You're welcome :)

3 months +1 AdamW 30

Also many of them only allow you to complete one of that type so even though you will see many to choose from if you have done one you can't do anymore. I wish they had a filter where you could remove shops you can't qualify for. I did the Purdue one and can never do it again but I see 50 of them regularly when they are published.

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