Time to do the scans

6 months +1 Angela_17230377085933 2

Thinking about doing a Costco scan any cons to them and how long did it take you?

6 months +2 Michael_16969536814904 2

For new shoppers it can take about 8 hours to do the scans, and can be done over the course of a couple days. After a few weeks of doing it, it will take about 4 hours on average.

5 months 0 Michele_15032031952719 383

How many days do you have for 1 shop?

5 months +2 Patti_17253744049135 2

How do you get Scout Shopper Certified to do those?

5 months +1 Angela_17258481992047 2

I was thinking about doing the Costco scans. Does anyone have more insight? Or can tell how to get certified?

5 months +2 Patti_17253744049135 2

Email the contract holder, They will send you a code for class and Test.

2 months +1 Nina 14

Please email ShoppingScout@MysteryShopperServices.com and they will send you the live presentation invite or you can take the course online (no live presentation needed).

Thank you,

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