I like food shops that give reimbursement.

4 years +2 MFJohnston 388

Shops are done at night for all sorts of businesses so that the evening staff is assessed as well as the daytime staff... A mystery shopper who does his/her job well, will not be suspected at any time of day.

4 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 364
I figure it is so they can be assured about theoretic bench at different times of the day. Colette @ Jan 15, 2020 6:03:58 PM
Is it possible that some shops are done at night so that the management / staff would not suspect a Mystery shopper?
This was my thought.

4 years +1 Mark_15813485889672 32

I performed a mystery shop where your reimbursement was exactly what you paid for the meal. I looked at it as a free meal but am less inclined to doing that in the future. I would prefer the difference between fee and reimbursement to be greater than the cost of the meal.

2 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 364

I don’t know. I thought it might be because business want to see how staff does at night.

2 years 0 rwarren 1

I've been out of shopping for a few years and thinking about going back to it. Why would anyone do a shop that doesn't pay you for your time and efforts?

Maybe I'm getting fussy in my old age, but I expect a [proper] fee to go, all my expenses reimbursed in full, and my bus fare. (I don't drive so don't ask me to figure out mileage.) And not interested in buying something I can't use or return. In exchange you'll get a well-written and accurate report.

2 years 0 Michele_15032031952719 364

I don’t know why that would make a difference.

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