5 years 0 JDFREE 4
From Texas. - New & I’m so sad about this.

My score is -50. I just started! I shopped Jose instead of Shirley on first project. I’m discouraged a bit. Any words of wisdom for me?

5 years 0 JDFREE 4
Points deducted, comments and suggestions?

I just started. I’ve had like 4 projects & I’m at -80! I’ve never been an under achiever!! One day I phone shop wrong person I was assigned to shop. -50! Wow. I’m not encouraged to stay onboard especially when I’m being asked to buy $130 products and you might see it in 4 weeks? Anyway I’m trying to keep my chin up. I’m a seasoned market research professional but there is a learning curve.

Discouraged Ed in Texas

5 years 0 JDFREE 4
360 payment

Please help!

How come on my Payment screen it sasays NOT PAID

 Does that mean they aren’t paying me or that they still haven’t paid me?

thank you!

5 years 0 JDFREE 4
Increase score!?!

I’ve been paid for all my shops but 1. I was new but my score is -80. !?!?

Are we able to actually talk to someone who works for ISS?

I go above and beyond to meet expectations?!

I don’t get the communication I get from other Merchandizing companies, they all love me and hope I get on their projects. Why doesn’t ISS Like me?