5 years 0 SethB 45

Welcome. How far have you gotten?

5 years 0 SethB 45
Available shops

Yes, some areas just do not have shops that populate often. You can activate push notifications if you have the app. In areas like that, shops also get picked up quickly. As someone else stated, phone and web shops are available.

5 years 0 SethB 45
Newbie Here

Welcome, Jodie!

5 years 0 SethB 45

Hello, welcome.

5 years +2 SethB 45
Mysteryshopper services

Mystery Shopper Services is still active. Shops can be picked up quickly and, if you have the app, enabling push notifications helps you learn about shops faster.

5 years +1 SethB 45
Missing payment

For all payment-related questions, please contact the MSP responsible for the assignment(s) in question directly. Their contact information may be found on the Payments tab when you log in.

The most common reasons for an unpaid payment include:

1) Shop completed too recently - not scheduled until the next payment cycle.

2) No Paypal address on file in your Extended Profile

3) Independent Contractor Agreement not signed for this MSP

4) No W9 form (if required) on file with the MSP

5 years +1 SethB 45
Distance Pay?

There is no harm in asking a scheduler. I get requests for distance pay or people will say they will only do a shop for X amount.

5 years 0 SethB 45

Welcome LaShonda!

5 years 0 SethB 45

It is important to always read through the shop guidelines. There are sometimes subtleties on shops that can be overlooked. Also, if there is an issue with a shop, remember that you can reach out to a scheduler and try to work out a reschedule.

5 years 0 SethB 45

Have you contacted the MSP responsible for the shop?