I had four shops declined, listing "has been declined because you did not respect the purchase requirement: You must purchase a small beverage."
Now in my response I noted that they didn't have small cups, but they charge the same price for medium. One store didn't even have Medium and I noted that as well in my response.
Anyone else have an idea on this? The time doesn't bother me, but the mileage does.
Update, 1 got accepted after being declined
Well a week ago I did a secret shop where it was a credit card sign up and you do give your ID. The rep was taken by my career and said she was looking for work in that field, she then gave me her business card (from another employer) and took out a 2nd card and wrote down my personal info from her application.
Now during the secret shop she also failed to delete my info from the electronic application in front of me! Does this mean I have to monitor my credit for life?
Luckily ISS reached out for more info, but...wow!
Sure I tell my kids Santa is watching, I tell myself I'll go to the gym tonight and other items that become lies; but I think the risk of "personal info" is MUCH MUCH WORSE.
For the spreadsheet I download the export from the payments sheet. I have had ones refused, in that case I merely ad a line. but I also include columns for:Mileage, how I got there (what car, rental, etc), and other costs as dollar and description.
Recently the ones posted for cstores near me pay $10 + reimbursement of a small purchase instore but require $10 gas purchase as well. Not worth doing it really!
Anyone seeing C*store rates getting hard? I mean they now want $10 gas purchase with no reimbursement, upto $5 small item (reimbursed) for the $10 fee. Basically working for the gas, but if you are driving out of the way is it still worth it?
Ivan is correct, the MSP usually require no visits for X days regarding the shop or Y days between visits, however the system usually tracks that and won't let you select the second shop at that locaton based on its site id.
Welcome Julieanna
I would take the free courses from the issprep.com website. Then pick one shop you want try, read the guidelines (usually a PDF) fully, and read the questionaire before going.
A revealed audit is good to start with as you can follow your notes!
Anyone find that the website no longer keeps you logged in when connecting to iSecretShop.com?
The cookies are still there but each time I have to login, but iss-mobile.com is fine?
Tried multiple browsers and same thing...odd
Jeff_15607363216141 @ Aug 1, 2020, 6:00:45 PM
I don't think you can deduct you air far to Puerto Rico to do a coffee shop in San Juan! But, if you are already there, you could probably deduct your local cab fare to get to and from the shop. But not from the other side of the island, and you go to San Juan for a day trip.
Ah I remember a time in my past career of someone trying to claim a trip from Ontario to Philadelphia to do a small job: sure he had family and stayed a week...but on the flip side: say you rent a car (say $40) and do a few jobs far away ($40 gas) to make $200: yes you should be looking to write off those trip expenses. Take it further, US 1040 workers used to get (Still do? haven't looked in 15+ years) great write offs and mileage rates (as contractors) so if you are in that boat, congrats!