3 years +2 MFJohnston 388
Canceling my account

Nathan - I would not be so quick to condemn iSS. Being paid 45-60 days after shop completion is very much the industry norm. There are some MSC's that pay more quickly - but that is nearly always balanced with *much* lower compensation levels.

Ivan is correct: iSS is nothing more than a platform that allows (mostly smaller) MSC's to advertise - larger MSC's tend to have their own job boards. Each MSC has it's own payment schedule, so the "delay" in payment has nothing to do with iSS. Most MSC's have a slow payment process because: 1) You do the shop. 2) The MSC approves the shop. 3) The MSC sends the shop to the client. 4) The client accepts the shops. 5) The client pays the MSC. 6) The MSC processes payment for the shopper........... Many clients process payments to the MSC in batches - they don't pay the client eveytime a single shop is approved, so, they will might not pay the MSC but on a two week or monthly cycle. Most MSC's process shopper payments once a month -so, there can be a multi-week delay between when the client pays the MSC and the MSC pays the shopper............... Some MSC's do offer faster payment, but this increases the expense to the MSC and, therefore, generally means lower shopper payments.

Yes, the slow payments take some patience on our parts. However, once you start finding your niche, it's really not a bad part-time gig at all.

3 years (Edited 3 years) 0 MFJohnston 388
1099 Tax statement earnings 2020

If you didn't earn more than $600 from any one company (not "iSS," but each individual MSP that operates on this platform), you will not get one at all. You still need to claim all your earnings, though....

If you did earn over $600 from any one MSP, you need to contact that MSP directly. You should be able to find contact information for them on the iSS page that lists the MSP's, their ICA's, etc.

3 years +5 MFJohnston 388
New an interested in getting started

The process is pretty simple:

* Go to the shop listing.

* Choose a shop you will DEFINITELY do.

* Read the guidelines thoroughly.

* Do exactly what they say.

* Fill out the report online.

* Get paid - the average wait for payment is 45-60 days. Each company has its own schedule.

A few things: I suggest just doing one shop at a time at first - until you have your bearings..... If you fail to do a shop when scheduled or do a poor job, it will be very difficult to get more shops. Never falsify a report - that will get you removed as a shopper..... This business is truly a free market. You are your own boss and will get out of it what you put into it. There is a lot to learn, if you so choose. Some folks just shop a little for an extra few bucks here and there - or to pick up a few meals out. Others mystery shop for a living.

3 years +2 MFJohnston 388
New to Isecretshop! Looking to really monetize this side hobby, any tips?

Yes, 45-60 days is average. You can find each MSP's payment procedures in the agreements you sign with them.... There are a few that pay much more quickly - though that almost always corresponds with lower payment amounts. There are some that take longer to deliver compensation - and, no, that does not correspond to higher compensation.

3 years +1 MFJohnston 388
Incorrectly declined by iss, one hour before shop time.

Do not do the shop until the problem is remedied. If they are not on your assigned list, you are likely not to get paid.

Document what you can, screen shots of the dates you were assigned to do the shop and of you "declined' notice would be ideal. Basically, you want to show, from iSS screens, that the shops were canceled before you did them.

If you do have that, you can put in a ticket with the iSS help desk - and they can fix your "points." They are pretty responsive to technical issues with the site. ... Then, send that same information to the scheduler and ask to re-schedule.

3 years 0 MFJohnston 388
Recording app for iPhone ?

I use one called "Call Recorder." It's reasonably inexpensive and has served me well.

3 years +1 MFJohnston 388
Hello I'm a new member

Parker -

There is actually a fair amount of potential in this business. How organized and ambitious are you?

* Most folks just do this on the side for a little extra pending money or a few perks - like nice meals out.

* Some folks (me) do this for legitimate income to augment full time jobs.

* A very few folks do this for a living - they don't get wealthy, but they plug along okay.


I teach full time and shop on the side. In 2018 and 2019, I earned over $20K mystery shopping - plus reimbursements. I could have made more, but do like to do more than work. I only shopped in January and February last year, quitting when Covid hit, aside from a few online shops. I still earned better than $5K. In order to do this, I have been known to fly out-of-state for a week. I am signed up with over 200 MSC's - iSS only represents a small fraction of the total opportunity out there. I do a lot of video shopping, where reports tend to be shorter and payment higher. I know what compensation I'm willing to accept and don't work for less. I build routes of shops for full days - and, sometimes multiple days - to maximize efficiency.

It took me about two years to build up to this level as it takes time to establish yourself with a lot of MSC"s as a quality, reliable shopper, develop contacts, etc.

3 years +1 MFJohnston 388
Silly Question about payments

Any PayPal email should be fine.... If you are having a problem getting they system to accept it, you likely need to open a ticket with iSS Help..

3 years 0 MFJohnston 388

Your survey: None of the above.

3 years +1 MFJohnston 388
Independant Contractor

No.... We are required to pay taxes on all profits - no matter how small and no matter whether or not we are sent a 1099.