1 year +1 SS007 20
New to this

Tonya, on the home screen, the one with all the yellow tiles, one of those tiles will be your assigned shops. Look for the one that says assigned. Another one of the tiles is the shops that you have requested, but you have not been actually assigned to. That tile says requests. And you mentioned that you signed up for a couple of shops, have these actually been assigned to you yet? If so, that information is easily found. When you click on that assigned shop, scroll all the way down, and there will be a link to the questions and instructions. That link has all the information that you need to know. I always print that out so I have something to read over and make notes on while I am doing my shop. This works especially good for the phone calls. Obviously if you are in a store, secret shopping, you really don’t want to have your paperwork out.

1 year 0 SS007 20
Self-assign limit

You will get an email telling you if you have been accepted or declined. This might not happen immediately though. If you go to the home screen on your app, there are two yellow tiles that are especially important. One of them is your assigned shops and the other one is your requests. If you have requested a shop but not yet been assigned you will find it under requests. All the information is there, I suggest you spend some time poking around on the app looking for where everything is. This will be helpful for when you actually start doing some work.

1 year (Edited 1 year) +2 SS007 20
One thousand, eight hundred scans......really????

The Walmart one was bad enough with 50. My Walmart didn’t have most of the items so I spent a lot of time looking, and wound up not getting paid. Like it was my fault they didn’t carry these items. Ugh never again. And FYI the speed at which you’ll be able to scan these items is grossly overestimated especially if you are new.

1 year (Edited 1 year) +1 SS007 20
Self-assign limit

Same here, I’m leaving an open spot!

This morning there was an easy phone call one and I decided to take a pass on it because the next available date to do it was like April 12 and I didn’t want that clogging up my list for that long.

1 year (Edited 1 year) +1 SS007 20
Problems with Security Guard

I did one recently where I had an authorization letter to be there. I showed it to the person who was working there and I could tell they thought I was a little sketchy, but I just acted as though I have every right to be there and went about my business. It was a quick audit, I was actually only there for like 10 minutes. if you are having the same problems over and over again, I would definitely not be taking those shops because that’s just BS that you’re doing work that you’re not getting paid for.

1 year (Edited 1 year) 0 SS007 20
Date changes?

Hello fellow shoppers,

I am new here and I have a question about changing the date on the shop. I would always avoid changing a shop date to a later date, as I know that it’s supposed to be a commitment. However, I find on occasion that I can actually do the shop earlier than I planned on. Is it looked upon negatively if you do your shop a day early? For example, I have a telephone shop scheduled for tomorrow but I am going to have a lot of time today where I could do it and I would just rather get it done today. Any thoughts or experiences? Thanks!

1 year 0 SS007 20
Shopper score

The forum is not very active. There’s simply hardly anyone on here.

1 year (Edited 1 year) 0 SS007 20
I just went to my first two jobs today....

Those types of calls can be a real hassle. It can quickly unravel as you have seen. I’m not surprised they called the assisted living place. People who work in the funeral industry are very quick to act as they know that time is of the essence. Obviously, you can’t leave a body sitting there for hours and hours. They were correct to call the assisted living community when they couldn’t get a hold of you.

Of course, they are not going to actually do anything unless they have authorization from a next of kin but in many instances, getting ahold of the assisted living facility is a good way to get put in contact with next of kin.

1 year +1 SS007 20
"Contract accepted"

Are you getting emails indicating the assignment has been accepted or denied? Maybe somehow you signed the MSP‘s contract but you never actually requested the assignment.

I would try going back and first accepting the MSP contract. One of the tiles on the home screen has all of the MSP contracts. Then go back and request the shop.