New to forum

6 years 0 Tawna 2

Hi everyone. I?ve been doing a couple mystery shopping jobs here and there for about a year now. Was just reading some of the forums. I?m hoping to maybe get to know others who do this not far from me. I?m in NH.

6 years 0 Patrick_15178940317986 74

Hello Tawna,

I've got 3 shops under my belt and a fourth scheduled. I'm not near NH. I'm out west in AZ.

I'm always willing to help out if I can and will answer any questions, the ones I have answers for anyway. :)

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

Hi! I'm in Seattle. I've been doing this for two years and have somewhere around a thousand shops under my belt.

6 years 0 Ivan 951

Hi Tawna,

Welcome to the Forum! Feel free to explore the threads, I'm sure you'll find someone in your area :) And of course, if you have any questions or stories to share, don't hesitate to post :)


6 years 0 Tawna 2

Thank you everyone!!

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