Hi everyone. I?ve been doing a couple mystery shopping jobs here and there for about a year now. Was just reading some of the forums. I?m hoping to maybe get to know others who do this not far from me. I?m in NH.
Hello Tawna,
I've got 3 shops under my belt and a fourth scheduled. I'm not near NH. I'm out west in AZ.
I'm always willing to help out if I can and will answer any questions, the ones I have answers for anyway. :)
Hi! I'm in Seattle. I've been doing this for two years and have somewhere around a thousand shops under my belt.
Hi Tawna,
Welcome to the Forum! Feel free to explore the threads, I'm sure you'll find someone in your area :) And of course, if you have any questions or stories to share, don't hesitate to post :)
Thank you everyone!!