Hello from UK / ServiceMeasure converts

5 years 0 Robert_Z 10

Glad to hear reports of approved jobs coming through.?Does anyone from SM background know if payment for assignments will come by bacs transfer as before or via Paypal??Also, does anyone know if there is a mechanism to change the date of an assignment if the venue does not have appropriate availability on the original date selected?

5 years 0 Colin_15775420775268 13

Hi Robert

I read on the SM email that it is now PayPal, and we need to get this set up on ISS. I had that problem with the date for one of my assignments, I just went ahead and did it on the different day and didn?t have any problems,

5 years 0 Robert_Z 10

Hi Colin. Thanks for your reply. The only email I recall seeing from SM was dated 13 November 2019 and titled "Exciting news for 2020!" This email was a general notification of the proposed change but it didn't mention any details or anything about Paypal. Have I missed an email with useful platform transition information? Also thanks for letting me know you were able to do an assignment on another day. I have however read in the ISS FAQs that assignments must be completed by midnight on the scheduled date and that the report proforma would be closed the morning after.

5 years 0 Colin_15775420775268 13

Hi Robert

I suppose the dates worked for me as I did the visit earlier than planned, so it?s probably best not to be overly optimistic with your date until you get the booking made.

I received an alert email from JH on the 16th Jan advising that the new system was active and how to get started. The PayPal payment was also mentioned:

Please note going forward all payments will be paid through paypal so you will need to link your paypal account.?If you do not have a paypal account I would suggest you register for one.?

5 years 0 Robert_Z 10

Thanks for that Colin.

5 years 0 StevenB 20

I agree, it is hard to know exactly what can and can't be done on the platform. Somebody mentioned before that your 'reputation' isn't impacted in many ways but I feel it would definitely not like you to unassign completely and reassign with a new date. Or, alternatively not seen anything about survey completion times. If you were going out for dinner, is it expecting everyone to submit in full before midnight. I often haven't been home long enough to even log on, depending on the location!

5 years 0 Benjamin_15805473797433 4

Can anyone help with finalizing a shop.

I booked using a number provided for the call recording (I didn't use the Make Call button).

I have completed the shop but it is stating I cannot without making the call.

I have called Jennifer from Service Measure and left emails and no one is answering/replying

5 years 0 Robert_Z 10

Hi Benjamin. My new ISS platform assignments have used the old SM recorded call system. I have not come across the problem you are having but others on the forum have mentioned this and it seems to require Jennifer to resolve. I have also had problems getting replies from her but there is a ticket system to raise queries directly with ISS help staff and they were very quick to come back and very helpful. The button for the ticket system is on the top menu bar of the platform website. Good luck.

5 years 0 Colin_15775420775268 13

I had the same issue with the call button and Jennifer was able to resolve it quickly. I used the ticket request but they were just able to deal with ISS software issues and not any specific shop problems. If you keep trying SM it will get resolved.

5 years 0 ZG82 8

Hi all,

I am also a newbie from the UK who has just moved over from SM Quest. I'm really going to miss that site. I loved getting the alert emails halfway through the night so I could quickly log in and pinch the local visits. I'm not sure how it will work on here.

When Jenni emailed and said visit were online on ISS, I spent an hour on my mobile but was not able to see a thing. I followed all the bullet points but still didn't see a thing. It's only when I used my laptop the day after when I saw the visits.

It's nice to have a chat facility though. It's really good to catch up with others.

Have a good end to the weekend.


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