3 months 0 Kara_16989524263361 24
Assignment location

I'm not sure what the nature of the assignment you're working on is, but I've never seen one that isn't associated with a specific location. I would make sure that you are at the exact location/address. If not, your shop could get rejected.

3 months 0 Kara_16989524263361 24
Secret Shopping at membership stores

I don't know of a way to bypass it and think that you would need to have a membership to go inside of the store and perform the shop.

2 months +1 Kara_16989524263361 24
Red warning bell

I think that the red bell is just for alerts i.e. when you have been assigned a shop or have submitted a shop. If you click on the "Announcements" tab in the left menu, you should be able to see them all, as well as delete them. If you delete them all I think that the red bell would go away or at least reduce the number listed on the bell.

2 months 0 Kara_16989524263361 24
New Secret Shopper

Welcome! I don't think it should take you too long, but it will definitely be easier for you to get more assignments once you've successfully completed a few. I don't think anyone on here gets assigned every shop that they apply to.

2 months 0 Kara_16989524263361 24

I agree with that sentiment, you just have to jump in. I've been nervous about a lot of shops, but as long as you're prepared/have read all instructions I've found it usually goes well. Sometimes something unexpected happens, but you can't know that in advance and just need to think on your feet.

1 month 0 Kara_16989524263361 24
Hidden Cameras - Covert opportunities

I haven't performed a video shop through iSS platform, but from what I understand you would need to supply your own video equipment. I also think that some shoppers like to record interactions even when it's not a requirement so that they can capture/remember all the details.

1 month +1 Kara_16989524263361 24
Do you generally do 1 shop a day or more?

For me, it's really variable, depending on what shops are available and how much free time I have. If I can, I like to complete more than one.

1 month 0 Kara_16989524263361 24
Phone Shops

I don't know what score is required to do phone shops, but they definitely exist. I've found that some of them can be difficult to get assigned to, but I would be patient and just keep applying for them. You'll be assigned one eventually. I think that sometimes other shoppers will self-assign them or they've just selected someone else. You could also try to e-mail the scheduler to express interest and ask what they are looking for for certain assignments, but I'm not sure how that would be received.

23 days 0 Kara_16989524263361 24
Payment Questions

If there isn't a reimbursement amount listed, that should should just be a flat payment. In my experience, there isn't a lot of profit to be made from those types of shops, you are more so just getting the experience or meal free of charge.

16 days 0 Kara_16989524263361 24
How to be a shopping scout?

You can try e-mailing ShoppingScout@mysteryshopperservices.com regarding signing up for the self-guided class. I think that's their support e-mail address.