6 years 0 MFJohnston 388
Favorite Shops?

Sue -

Do you only use iSS, or do you shop for other companies as well? All the airlines and hotels I have seen have been from companies not affiliated with iSS.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388
New from Gulfport/Biloxi, Mississippi

Read the guidelines well and follow them.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

PM Ivan. He should be able to help with the W-9.

6 years (Edited 6 years) 0 MFJohnston 388

Ivan is an administrator on the iSS site and chimes in on the board periodically.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388
Hey Everyone!

I said to send Ivan a PM. You can do that through this forum. Under the "messages" drop down menu at the top of this page select "send message.":

6 years +1 MFJohnston 388
Hi from Snowy New England

Jeff -

I've responded to you on this on two different threads over the last several days. You even complained about the response, suggesting that you did not k now how to send a personal message. I then gave you directions.

*** PM IVAN AND HE CAN FILL YOU IN ON THAT QUESTION*** Click on the "Messages" drop down menu on the top of this page. Select "New Message." Type in "Ivan" as the recipient. Ask your question.

6 years +1 MFJohnston 388
Old Mystery Shopper ... Questions on certifications/recording devices

I do a lot of video shopping - using a body-work camera. The PV-500 is the preferred recorder in the industry, when use with a button camera. What questions do you have?

6 years +1 MFJohnston 388
Why would a company watch a video of one of your shops?

Sometimes the person you are shopping does not like the results of the shop - such as when they do not do what they are supposed to do. Sometimes the person then accuses the shopper of lying (and, yes, that does happen sometimes). The client is then in a position where they have to decide whether they believe the word of the shopper (whom they have never met) and the employee (with whom they have a relationship). This sometimes results in our reports being challenged. In this case, it sounds like your shop may have been caught on the the client's video security system. So, they are going to watch the video to verify that your report is accurate.

It' happens. As long as you re honest in your reports, it will not be problem for you at all. :)

6 years +1 MFJohnston 388
Old Mystery Shopper ... Questions on certifications/recording devices

First,.. a new set up for the video equipment is about $400. That would include everything you need at first (DVR, Camera, Microphone, SD Card, Charger) There are several online stores that sell them - and will help you make sure you get the right equipment. (PV-500 w/button camera). I bought my last camera through Greyhawk Video Solutions: If you talk to the sales rep and/or owner, they can make sure you get what you need. (Just say you are a video shopper.)

Training: Yes, there are several groups that offer training. I suggest starting with Ellis Partners in Management Solutions ("EPMS" - an MSC that specializes in apartments) I also suggest you do several of their apartment shops (which have significant written reports) before you venture into the video shop - just so that you can get acclimated to the flow of an apartment shop before you add the video equipment. EPMS will loan you equipment and has some basic training videos. (You will want to make sure you practice before your first video shop.) This way you can decide if video shopping is for you, before you invest in the equipment.

Unfortunately, Ellis still has really long reports with most of their video shops. However, once you start finding more companies, you'll find that video shop reports are often most shorter (even non-existent) than written shops -- plus they pay more. There is one MSC on iSS (that I know of) that does video shops - Business Observations. If you want to find other companies that offer video, I suggest you check out the MysteryShopForum (another forum like this one) as you can find out about companies, other than the ones that specifically use iSS.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388
Old Mystery Shopper ... Questions on certifications/recording devices

I saved for the purchase... I opened a banking account just for mystery shopping income and gave half of it to my "living expenses." When I had enough to purchase the video equipment, I did. The equipment paid for itself within two weeks of the purchase. It has now done so many times over. If you are looking to maximize income, video is the way to go. Start slow - with EPMS where you can borrow equipment - and see if it is a fit for you. If it is, the work is good.