5 years +1 MFJohnston 388
Payment or Paypal Issue ?

If you are not getting a response directly from the MSC, you could open a help ticket on iSS. If an MSC is not paying you and not responding, iSS does get involved:

5 years +2 MFJohnston 388
Decrease in Jobs...?

I don't refer folks to non-iSS companies on this forum as it is sponsored by the companies that use iSS. There is a huge list of companies on the MysteryShopForum (Google it). All my favorites are listed there.

5 years 0 MFJohnston 388
New member


5 years 0 MFJohnston 388
New member

Hi Sheila! I live in Seattle.

5 years +2 MFJohnston 388
Intouch Insight fraudulently declining shops

This seems strange. No company wants to reject shops: When they do, they need to seek out another shopper to do them. In other word, they don't get paid if you don't get paid. Have you contacted somebody directly to figure out what the issue might be? Things that come to mind as possibilities (sorry I don't know you, the situation, etc., so I can only speculate): I have know of all of the following to happen..

* You submitted a credit car receipt instead of the itemized receipt?

* The receipt is blurry and difficult to read?

* The receipt is fine, but the photo is blurry?

* The receipt is from the incorrect location?

* There is a glitch in the system preventing a proper uploads?

In any case, having a direct exchange with the editor should help to clear up the issue, whatever it might be. InTouch Insight is a reputable company and not known to try to intentionally rip off shoppers. There is likely some logical issue or explanation for this.

5 years +3 MFJohnston 388
Intouch Insight fraudulently declining shops

I'm glad it worked out. Editors are human, too....

Everything on iSS is legitimate, so you should be "safe" with any work you find here.

5 years +1 MFJohnston 388

32 shops in a day: these were all through MSC's not affiliated with iSS, so I would not have been on the leader board here for it... 31 of the 32 were fast food drive-thru shops that took a total of 10 minutes (including report) on average. I filled out the reports while in line waiting and just after finishing. They all had bonuses of $12-$15 on them. The 32nd shop was a big box electronics store that had a $20 bonus.

My $900 in a day was all video work, with very significant bonuses for travel.

Both were very long days.

5 years 0 MFJohnston 388
Decrease in Jobs...?

David -

If you want more, look outside iSS for work. I am keeping very busy right now through other MSC's.

5 years 0 MFJohnston 388
Tax Forms

You should have already received forms for any MSC for which you earned $600 or more.

5 years +1 MFJohnston 388

The points are a reputation ranking. The more you have, the higher "level" you attain. At higher levels you are able to self-assign more shops.