My name is Mike. I am new to mystery/secret shopping so that also means I am new to here. I am still learning but hopefully I get better.
Sorry to hear about this shop. I have had similar things happen to me where the shop got rejected because one requirement was not meet.
Take this as a learning experience and try not to beat yourself up.
This is a complete scam. Someone tried to run this scam on me about 12 or 13 years ago. If you were to deposit the check, the bank will make the funds available relatively quickly. Then the bank would realize a few weeks later that the check is bogus and then your on the hook for the amount of the check then.
I have had the same issue a few times here but it's nothing to worry about. The companies will post more when they have more. It could also be where you live too. Also, it might worth it to you to sign up with other mystery shopping companies too so you don't have this problem. The MSPA has a list of the different mystery shopping companies that are part of the MSPA
I usually tip on the entire bill when I eat. As far as mystery shopping, it would be dependent on the shop and what the requirements are. Companies will state the reimbursement of the shop when advertising the shop and what you need to order whether generally or specifically.
I had a similar issue at a Whole Foods too that I did through another place. They didn't what me there either. It sounds like you handled the situation appropriately. It sounds like they got caught with their pants down and it probably won't look good either for the people at the bank for how they handled the situation.
You could also sign-up with other mystery shopping companies so that way if there aren't any shops on ISS, you can check with the other companies. The MSPA has a list of member companies along with offering training to mystery shoppers.
You can contact the scheduler to see if they can give you your points back. The shop guidelines will tell you when the report is due which is usually midnight the day of the shop.
Since you are mystery shopping, you will have to portray yourself as a customer or potential customer. I understand where you are coming from, but at the same time, you have a job to do. Companies that pay mystery shoppers want to know how things are going at whatever place of business you are shopping. I would think that being offered drinks, food, etc. is to be expected and you could accept or refuse by saying you are fine.
I have had the same problem with not getting paid for shops that I did but that is how things work. You could contact the scheduler to see if the IT people can recover the recorded phone call and to see if there is anyway to get full or partial payment. Also, the scheduler might be able to give you back any points that were deducted from your ratings.
I know how you feel about this. I have had shops declined too for things to where I don't work for certain companies. Hopefully, you can get the issue resolved so you can get full payment.