5 years +1 Kevin_15027958065114 74
Restaurant shop

I've never been pinged. I'm that good.

5 years 0 Kevin_15027958065114 74
Canceled shops

I have never had a shop canceled.

5 years (Edited 5 years) +1 Kevin_15027958065114 74
Reputation Rank

I am wondering about the ranking too. I don't understand how it is figured.

How do some people in you area have 3 times your point total when you basically have the same shops to chose from?

5 years +1 Kevin_15027958065114 74
No Secret shops

Are phone shops take all you can? I see them disappear quickly.

5 years +1 Kevin_15027958065114 74
Goodwin Schedulers are the BEST!

Does" I secret shop" make all Goodwin shops available to us in our areas without contacting them directly?

5 years (Edited 5 years) +1 Kevin_15027958065114 74
Getting Verified

I have never seen a reason to get verified. I have never received a email from any company I work for stating more opportunities if I do so. The key with shopping is joining as many companies that are free in your areas and taking advantage of the shops. I stay busy 30 days a month.

5 years +1 Kevin_15027958065114 74
Incredible “to do list” for $5 payout

Never question companies too much on their practices. They will simply fire you. Choose shops carefully and make sure the pay is fair. Grocery store shops can be real time consuming especially if you find things wrong. Reviewers really hate it when you have issues. They may send the report back several times for you to clarify.

5 years +1 Kevin_15027958065114 74
Uping Maximum number of shops

Another mystery that you never get answers too.

4 years +1 Kevin_15027958065114 74
Mysteryshopper services

I have seen no shops posted through you for November. Is the company still active?

4 years 0 Kevin_15027958065114 74
Incredible “to do list” for $5 payout

What is the best way to find out if a site is active in your area before signing up with them?