4 years 0 Ivan 951
New member

Hi Misty,

You can find some useful advice on the following thread:


I'd also suggest exploring www.iSSprep.com - the free courses there will help you learn a lot about how the system works, and completing them will also give you shopper points.

Happy Holidays!

4 years 0 Ivan 951
Glad to be back

Welcome back!

4 years +2 Ivan 951
Cheapest Item

Lol! Just don't forget to use up the Reimbursement budget on shops that have it :)

4 years +3 Ivan 951
Money maker

Hi Robert,

You get alerts about new shops once you start having badges that reflect your experience with those shops. For example, if you do at least one Gas Station shop, you get the Gas Station badge, and you'll be able to receive alerts via the iSecretShop app about new Gas Station shops that get posted in your area. The same goes for all types of shops. Just make sure you have the app installed, and that it has the necessary permissions to send notifications to your phone.

I hope this helps!

4 years +3 Ivan 951
New to Everything

Hi Robert,

Here's how the system works:

-Once you log into iSecretShop, go to the "Available Shops" page, and browse the shops that are posted.

-When you see the one you are interested in, you click "View Details" and it will open a pop-up window with all the information on the shop.

-Then, you can either self-assign that shop, or click "Request shop" to submit a request for a specific date. The schedulers are frequently reviewing these requests, so it should be approved soon.

*If you are prompted to sign the iSecretShop Terms of Use or the Mystery Shopping Provider's contract first, you can do so on the "Provider Contracts and Policies" page.

*If you are prompted to enter your PayPal email address, you may do so on the "Update Extended Profile" page.

-Once you have a shop assigned to you, you can always view it on the "Assigned Shops" page - there you can see all shops you have assigned, and can click "Complete Shop" on any of them to see the full shop information, the shop instructions, the questions, or/and fill out the shop report.

-If you have any questions about a particular shop, you can always contact the MSP that posted it, and their schedulers/editors will be happy to help.

-When you are done filling out the shop report - you click "Finalize Shop" to submit it - it will be reviewed by editors and either approved or returned to you for additional information (if so, it will appear back in your "Assigned Shops" page).

-After the shop is approved, you can communicate with the MSP regarding your payment for that shop.

You can also check out some training videos on the iSecretShop homepage, and the iSSprep website, which contains useful courses on how the system works.

I hope this helps!

4 years +2 Ivan 951
Opinion Polls

Hi Terrie,

Negative points only prevent you from self-assigning - you can still request (and receive) an unlimited number of shops. You earn points by successfully completing shops, but also by completing the free courses on iSSprep.com - they don't take long to complete, and can boost your score rather quickly.

I hope this helps!

3 years 0 Ivan 951
New Member- Payment


Once a shop is assigned to you, two things happen:

  1. An automated email is sent to you, confirming the shop is assigned to you for the specific date, and containing the shop details/guidelines. An internal announcement is also sent within iSS itself, and can be seen in the Shopper Announcements portion of the iSecretShop homepage.
  2. The shop becomes visible on your Assigned Shops page on iSS. There, you can click "Complete Shop" to access the shop page - it contains all the shop instructions, guidelines, any attachments (like scenario files, etc), and this is also where the shop report is filled out, section by section.

I hope this helps!

3 years +3 Ivan 951
New member


I would suggest going to www.iSSprep.com and completing the free courses there, like iSS 101 and iSS 102 - they will give you knowledge on the system, and will also award you shopper points.

Once you're ready to do shops, here is how the system works, overall:

-Once you log into iSecretShop, go to the "Available Shops" page, and browse the shops that are posted.

-When you see the one you are interested in, you click "View Details" and it will open a pop-up window with all the information on the shop.

-Then, you can either self-assign that shop, or click "Request shop" to submit a request for a specific date. The schedulers are frequently reviewing these requests, so it should be approved soon.

*If you are prompted to sign the iSecretShop Terms of Use or the Mystery Shopping Provider's contract first, you can do so on the "Provider Contracts and Policies" page.

-Once you have a shop assigned to you, you can always view it on the "Assigned Shops" page - there you can see all shops you have assigned, and can click "Complete Shop" on any of them to see the full shop information, the shop instructions, the questions, or/and fill out the shop report.

-If you have any questions about a particular shop, you can always contact the MSP that posted it, and their schedulers/editors will be happy to help.

-When you are done filling out the shop report - you click "Finalize Shop" to submit it - it will be reviewed by editors and either approved or returned to you for additional information (if so, it will appear back in your "Assigned Shops" page).

-After the shop is approved, you can communicate with the MSP regarding your payment for that shop.

I hope this helps!

3 years +1 Ivan 951
New courses available on iSSprep

Hi Adriana,

You can find out more about the badges and their benefits on the following thread: https://www.secretshopforum.com/thread/1/2/205/the-badge-system#post1125

I hope this helps!

3 years 0 Ivan 951
New Member- Payment

Hi Victoria,

It's very likely that the payment is just not yet due - each MSP has their payment schedule (you can read up on their payment policy at the very top of the MSP contract that you signed on the Provider Contracts and Policies page) and many of them only pay for shops once the month in which they were done has expired (for example, they make payments by mid-February for all shops that were done in January, etc).

Still, if the MSP is not replying to your emails, I would suggest calling them using their official contact phone number (also visible on the Provider Contracts and Policies page).

I hope this helps!