6 years +1 MFJohnston 388
Shop time of day/dates question

Secret - if you look at the shop on your "assigned shops" list, you should see a green button next to each shop you've been assigned marked "reschedule." Shops can usually be rescheduled., but not always.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388
Payment Pending ?

Charles -

Yes, fill in your PayPal information in your profile. On this site, nearly all the MSC's use PayPal. I know of one that sends paper checks.

6 years +2 MFJohnston 388
How do I get paid?

Charles -

Yes, PayPal. Yes, we get paid to do this. Yes, the companies on this site are legitimate. No, you will not get rich.

6 years +2 MFJohnston 388
My 2nd Shop Was a Sex Shop - Literally!!!

I won't do them, but.... Some of the strip clubs in my area are shopped. They reimburse something on the order of $300 in expenses... I've shopped Ferrari, Aston Martin, Lamborghini and Porsche several times..... I've gone to an international bank and posed as somebody who wants to set up an account to wire money in from some very questionable companies.... I've attempted to bribe a couple of folks.... I've posed as a buyer for a $3M home.... I've been led on an apartment tour by a drunk manager....

6 years +1 MFJohnston 388
job postings

Angela -

Check the MysteryShopForum... It is nothing more than a conversation board, but it does have a list of links to hundreds of mystery shopping companies. It's probably the best place to find out about companies not affiliated with iSS.

6 years +2 MFJohnston 388
New feature - GET VERIFIED!

I am in Washington State, but there are just as many (if not more) opportunities in Georgia. It's not really a secret:

  1. Sign up for lots and lots of companies. Those that use iSS are but a fraction of the companies out there. By signing up for as many companies as possible, you will get a real feel for the market in your area.
  2. Figure out your niche. I type very quickly and write well, so I can write narrative-heavy reports quickly,which often makes them a good deal for me. My niche is apartments, video, banks and casinos.
  3. Look into video. I did three video shops on Friday. I spent a total of 2 hours on site for the shops and about 15 minute total writing reports. I earned $200. Tomorrow I have two shops three hours from home - for $300.
  4. Expand your area. Often companies pay a premium to get great shoppers to get into very rural areas. I've done a $6 shop with $200 bonuses in the past for just this reason. Then, I can find other shops along my drive to make for a very profitable day. Be efficient as your drive routes. Two hours round trip for one $30 shop is a waste. Two hours round trip for five $30 shops is decent.
  5. Do great work - always. If you are super-reliable and do great work, you will get calls from desperate schedulers looking to pay a premium to get you to do last minute shops. Really: I get calls that say, "I know this is a bit far, but it needs to be done today. What would it take to get you there?"
6 years +1 MFJohnston 388
Recording calls when required - question

Juan -

I primarily video shop. If you are good with the video equipment, you will find yourself working for companies with which you don't yet have contact (they find you). Pay is often double non-video shops, with half the work.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388
New shops

Susan- Are you signed up for companies not on ISS? If you are not finding enough work here, venture out to other companies, too.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

Sarah -

i am in my phone now, so need to keep it short. If you read through the old forum messages, you will find tons of tips and answers to your questions. There are folks who mystery shop for a living, earning over $70K annually. The mystery shopping world is quite large.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388
New (with questions!) from IL

All these questions have been answered on this forum, so reading old messages would be a great idea... I am on my phone now or I’d answer more directly now.