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By giving iSS your PayPal address, each company will be able to pay you. You do not need to let PayPal know that money is coming.
I don't see their actual pay schedule in their contract, but six weeks after completing a shop is pretty typical. As quite a few MSC's pay at the end of each month, I would anticipate payment around the first of October.
Each does it differently. Some have you fill out the 1099 when you sign up, just in case. Others will send it to you when you hit $600 - and withhold pay until you have returned it.
I do a lot of video shopping and find that there are some clients that really want the full written reports, but use the video primarily if there is a question about accuracy. Others want a brief checklist report so that they can take a quick look at the report and focus on parts of the video that are highlighted as needs by the report. Yet others could care less what my opinion is. However, the MSC has folks who are specifically trained in the needed sales techniques I turn in the video and the MSC's specialists analyze it for the client.
It's really all about what the client wants, whether we think it's valid or silly.
I've seen shops listed for which I have not been eligible.... However, I have not seen shops for MSC's for which I have not signed the ICA. Have you gone to the list of MSP's and verified that you have signed all your ICA's? Another possibility: is there anything in your profile that you've marked that might make you unable to do shops? For instance, if you have marked that you don't do apartments, you might not see announcements for new apartment shops. Etc.
After checking those, I would see about emailing the MSC's for which your neighbor sees job postings and you do not. If that doesn't work, PM Ivan (on this forum). He's an iSS administrator and can sometimes look that sort of thing up.
Paul_15274396084107 @ Aug 19, 2018 8:23:38 PM
[...] Also it's probably safe to say that must reports are not fully accurate for the simple fact that shoppers just want to finish the report and get paid
I really hope that this is not the case. I make a very serious effort to be very accurate in my reports. The way I see it, if I am not being perfectly accurate in my reporting, the client is not getting what they need from the MSC and my services become worthless. I would think that not taking the time to write accurate reports is a very quick path to no longer being able to work in this industry - and certainly not for some of the more demanding (and higher paying) MSC's.
Annemarie - I can answer this for you.
You will not be penalized if you complete the write up before the required submission date for the particular shop. Each individual MSC has different requirements for how long you have after you conduct a visit to complete your report. So, your first step is to look at your shop's guidelines.
That being said, you also need to make sure that you are accurate when filling out your survey, which is the advantage for filling out a report the same day you complete the shop. I make a point of taking good enough notes for myself that I can accurately write my report the following day if I need to do so. I find I do a much better job with my notes after a good night sleep than I do when I am too tired.
Folks who do a lot of shopping will often spend twelve hours in a day actively making visits and have multiple reports to do the following.day - it is very common for especially active shoppers.
Greetings! You ought to have access to quite a bit of shopping opportunities there, especially if you are willing/able to drive a little. The mystery shopping world is remarkably large.