6 years 0 MFJohnston 388
Notifications for Shop Acceptance

I just utilized the ticket system with this question. However, I am wondering if others are experiencing the same issue.

I just got an email from an MSC owner voicing frustration that I was not heeding his request that I alter my routine on a shop I do regularly. The difficulty is that I had received no such communication. As it turns out, he was putting his feedback into the email that was notifying me of shop acceptance. Unfortunately, I do not receive any such notifications. I just checked my profile and do not see a way to turn such notifications on or off. (ALL my notifications are "on.")

Is this just me (i.e. perhaps I need to take another look at my profile settings). Or are other folks not receiving such notifications?

6 years (Edited 6 years) 0 MFJohnston 388
How do you turn in your shop?Is it by email?

You fill out a form online through the iSS website.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388
Dinner/lunch shops

Most prefer that you dine with a second adult. A few will allow kids. Some will let you opt to dine alone.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388
No new clients

Lisa -

I would have responded sooner, but simply did not see your message. iSS only represents a small percentage of the mystery shopping opportunities available. If you live in a metropolitan area, there are certainly thousands of shops available to you - you just have to know where to look. This forum is particular to iSS, so you will not see a lot of information about companies outside of iSS here. Check out the MysteryShopForum. It is a discussion group that has a ton of information available about the rest of the mystery shopping world.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388
Notifications for Shop Acceptance

I figured it out after multiple exchanges with both my internet provider and iSS... Apparently, just over a year ago, I had inadvertently marked an iSS message as "junk mail," which shut off all auto-generated email from iSS, so iSS was not sending me any such messages. I have to change my email address on file with iSS.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388

You all will find that as MSC's have needs for schedulers and editors, they will send emails out to their established shoppers announcing the job opening. Overall, they like to hire folks with whom they have an established relationship as a shopper. When they get into a fix, they might announce such openings on mystery shop forums.

6 years 0 MFJohnston 388
Email Overload

Crystale -

What you describe is a a scam. The check they send you is fraudulent and will bounce - but not until after you have withdrawn the required funds and sent it to the scam artist. In this industry, you will not be pre-paid for work - especially in large amounts.

6 years +1 MFJohnston 388
No available jobs

You won't find a list of non-iSS companies on this forum as this forum is specifically sponsored by and supporting iSS companies. Another forum (Mystery Shop Forum) is not sponsored by any particular MSC's and does have a list of many companies - including the ones on this forum. It is a great resource for learning about mystery shopping in general.

6 years +1 MFJohnston 388
New shopper

There is such a list on the MysteryShopForum.

6 years (Edited 6 years) +2 MFJohnston 388
**WARNING** - Scam


This site is not a scam. I have been paid thousands of dollars shopping with these companies. According to their ICA, you should have been paid 45 days after the shop was expected - so maybe 50 days after completing the shop. So, if you did the shop May 30, you should have been paid by July 20. So, yes, payment would be late.

I would suggest two steps.

  1. If you have not done so already, fill out the form attached to the ICA on this website for 360Intel. They have an inquiry form just for this purpose.
  2. PM Ivan - he posted just above your message. He is an administrator her and should be able to see where the hiccup is. the iSS brand is important to him and, part of that, is making sure it has a reputation of paying shoppers.

Regarding the above listed scams.....

Yes, it very much sounds like the specific offers listed above are scams. It is very common for scammers to use the names of legitimate companies to try to sound more legitimate.

FYI: Both Intellishop and SecretShopper are legitimate companies - I have done work for both of them. However, NEITHER will every send you money for work not yet completed.