6 years 0 Norm 191
Intouch Insight Schedulers

The schedulers are very insightful and helpful. Thank you

6 years +1 Norm 191
Location closed

Ivan is correct Deondra. If you ever run into a situation where the location is closed when you get there, notify the MSP. His advice also goes for any other shop. Happy shopping

6 years 0 Norm 191
Associated Minors

That is interesting. I think I'll contact them myself follow up on this. Thanks for the information everyone.

6 years 0 Norm 191
New feature - GET VERIFIED!

The new age and identity verification system might apply. It's up to the MSP's to decide if they want to add that requirement to their shopper criteria. So, it will be included in the shop instructions before you accept it. Newer shoppers will probably be the most affected by this new system. Seasoned veteran shoppers who have shopped with certain MSPs for a long time have already established a shopper relationship, so they shouldn't be affected as much. This is only speculation though. So take it for what it's meant to be on this forum: information. Thanks for reading

6 years (Edited 6 years) +1 Norm 191
Change Birthdate

Now that's a new one: verify the information in order to get verified! Now that really makes mystery shopping interesting! As my boss used to say, trust but verify. Happy searching ha ha

6 years 0 Norm 191
Shop Pre-Approval

Well this is a new one for me. I've never had to be preapproved for any shop I have done, and I've never seen that requirement either. Anyone else know about this?

6 years (Edited 6 years) 0 Norm 191

I referred two people, and I still haven't received that badge. I contacted ISS and they didn't see my referrals, hence my not getting the recruiter badge. Has anyone else had this problem? I want to refer three other people, but I want to be sure I get the badge. Thanks for any and all help

6 years +2 Norm 191
how many badges do i need to get out of rank 1

Hi Vondelle,

Here is a quick way that you can check. First no you will not be at rank one forever. As Wendy indicated, each successive shop awards 20 points toward your next rank. You can check your progression by doing the following: login to I secret shop, and then look at your rank badge or reputation badge at the very top of the page. You will see your badge along with a bar that will have a color line and a percentage. Percentage number is where you stand at rank one. Each successive shop will increase the percentage number until it reaches 100%. After that you will see rank 2. At each level it takes longer for the percentages to reach 100%, FYI, because you have to do more shops at each rank to reach 100%. There are a total of 10 ranks. If you notice for Wendy she is at rank six. I am at rank 4. So keep plugging along and you'll move up the ranks. Hope that helps

6 years +1 Norm 191
Newbie w/ nosy questions

Hi Kristen from Fort Worth,

Welcome to the forum and iss. I've been doing this for almost 4 years. I want to disclose the amount that I made but I will say that this year alone I've already made 4 figures. This is not a regular employee job so the money you make is sort of like a dinner and a movie, think of it like that. But, if you are retired or like to have a so-called second job, this is it. Welcome again and happy secret shopping.

6 years +2 Norm 191
Negative score

Hi Amy, Wendy is correct. Each time you except the shop and don't complete it, or it gets declined, you lose 30 points. For each job you complete it and is approved, you get 20 points onthe plus side. Hope that helps happy shopping