7 years 0 Ivan 951
Achievement badge question

Hi guys,

Yes, Wassim made some good points. The badge system itself is a few months old, and once setup properly, it's very automated and discrepancies rarely happen. And if you do notice any, please feel free to open a support ticket. Here are a few FYIs to take into account regarding badges:

For the shopper points and reputation badge:

  • Your Reputation badge is a direct reflection of your overall shopper score, which rises when your shops are approved, and drops when they get canceled or declined. These oscillations sometimes cause Reputation progress bar to appear not to be moving.
  • Check the website - mobile devices sometimes have syncing issues, memory issues, connectivity issues, etc. You can always try logging out of the app and logging back in, as well as re-installing it to make sure you have the latest version. The most reliable to check and be sure about something is still from a PC-based browser with a stable internet connection, using browsers like Chrome or Mozilla.
  • When you complete a shop, your score will not rise until the shop is approved by the editors, so give it a couple of days.
  • The MSPs are in charge with setting up their shops in such a way that they award specific category badges, If you think you are missing a badge for a specific shop that you did, please contact the MSP that posted it and ask them about it.

I hope this helps!

7 years 0 Ivan 951
Where is everyone from?

Welcome, welcome!

7 years 0 Ivan 951
7 years 0 Ivan 951
7 years 0 Ivan 951
Phone shops not in Assigned

Well, untill it's in your Assigned Shops, there's nothing really you can do about it, except contact the schedulers again and ask them to do it the following day. It's much better then doing the shop and then realizing it was never assigned to you at all.

7 years 0 Ivan 951
Frustrated with vague instructions

Hi Marjorie,

I am very sorry to hear that - you should always keep the communication going with the MSP, and explain this to them as well. If the shop report itself is unacceptable by their rules/standards, then they can't make a payment to you for it (they won't be able to send it to the client and get paid for it either), but they can at least restore your points and offer you another shop. Again, it might not be much, but it's something - bad situations like that one sometimes unfortunately happen, so all we can do is make the best out of every situation.

Thank you for sharing!

7 years +1 Ivan 951

Thank you for the advice Judith, great point!

7 years 0 Ivan 951

Bruce - make sure to contact Customer 1st at their official contact information and confirm it with them - there are sadly a lot of impersonators, frauds, and people looking to scam shoppers, so make sure to communicate with the MSP at all times.

Shelly - we LOVE your enthusiasm! It's great having you here, and I hope you have lots of amazing shopping experiences ahead of you! Let us know if we can be of any assistance!

7 years 0 Ivan 951
How do you get paid ?

Hi Stephanie,

Here are the most common reasons for late payments:

1) Shop completed too recently - not scheduled until the next payment cycle.

2) No Paypal address on file in your Extended Profile, or it's incorrectly entered (".con" instead of ".com" and things like that)

3) Independent Contractor Agreement not signed for this MSP

4) No W9 form (if required) on file with the MSP https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw9.pdf

The best (and only) advice that I can give you is to actively communicate with the MSP - paying you for the assignments is completely their responsibility and obligation, so feel free to ask them for the exact steps you need to take to make sure that happens as soon as possible.

I hope this helps!

7 years 0 Ivan 951
Not new to mystery shopping but new to this forum

Hi Rosina,

There are over 20 different Mystery Shopping Providers that post their shops on iSecretShop, and all shoppers are able to see all shops that they can do right from the moment they create their profile.

And Lorelei, it's great to have someone so experienced here with us!

Good luck with your shops!